5 Natural Funeral Venues


No Fuss funerals in Natural Burial Grounds, Long Barrows and other outdoor spaces for simple funeral ceremonies. Many of these images are courtesy of Sacred Stones….Copyright Sacred Stones Ltd

#1 Natural Burial Grounds

Natural Burial Grounds, Long Barrows and other outdoor spaces for simple funeral ceremonies. Many of these images are courtesy of Sacred Stones….Copyright Sacred Stones Ltd

If you want a funeral in a natural setting you are not alone. As a Funeral Celebrant I am lucky enough to have amazing contacts in the arena of Death and Dying. Have a look at some of my recommendations for 5 outdoor spaces for your no-fuss funeral, funeral ceremony or memorial ceremony. I have some more information about my funeral ceremonies and no fuss funerals here.

Burial site. Long barrow with niches for ashes. Candlelit with coffin in the centre

A funeral ceremony inside the Long Barrow at Sacred Stones. © Sacred Stones Ltd

#2 Ceremonies Outdoors

An outdoors simple funeral ceremony at the Long Barrow led by Celebrant Rosalie Kyvenhoven. Copyright Sacred Stones Ltd

If you live in the UK you will spend a lot of time talking about the weather! A funeral ceremony outdoors in the UK is weather-dependent. You need to make sure that you have a plan B for your no fuss funeral. All of the venues I’m showcasing here have sheltered spaces in case of inclement weather!

#2 Ceremonies Outdoors

An outdoors simple funeral ceremony at the Long Barrow led by Celebrant Rosalie Kyvenhoven. Copyright Sacred Stones Ltd

If you live in the UK you will spend a lot of time talking about the weather! A funeral ceremony outdoors in the UK is weather-dependent. You need to make sure that you have a plan B for your no fuss funeral. All of the venues I’m showcasing here have sheltered spaces in case of inclement weather!

#3 Clayton Woods Natural Burial Ground

Natural Burial Grounds are increasingly popular and this is a local one here in Sussex is beautiful and well worth a visit. Clayton Woods Natural Burial Ground offers a wonderful venue for a simple outdoors natural funeral. Here you can have funeral ceremonies for ashes interments or burials and even use their space for a memorial. The setting is stunning and tranquil and perfect for a celebration of a life lived in a natural environment or for a person with environmental concerns.

Clayton Woods Natural Burial Ground is set in rolling hills of West Sussex and the wonderfully kind and attentive Tess and all the staff are lovely.

The Secret Garden, Kemptown

The Secret Garden in Kemptown https://www.secretgardenkemptown.co.uk/ here in Brighton in West Sussex really is a place that people want to keep secret! A local treasure in the heart of Brighton. It offers a truly beautiful low key community garden which often features fabulous artists and sculptors who display there work as exhibitors.

There is a gorgeous little cafe serving delightful home bakes and a simple shelter from the rain. The people who run it are volunteers and local people from Brighton Communities and they can’t do enough to help. This is a perfect place to go to commemorate a person who has had a Direct Cremation. Surround yourselves with a tranquil English garden, have afternoon tea support and celebrate your local community. This is ideal for a person who has had a passion for local community and the arts or for someone who loved gardens.

#4 Soulton Long Barrow

Soulton Long Barrow recently featured on my Podcast ‘What DON’T we want?’ and I am so excited to share it with you alongside it’s sister Willow Long Barrow

Willow Row Barrow

Why choose a Long Barrow for your No fuss simple outdoor funeral ceremony? A Long Barrow is a unique creation which is based on the ancient designs of Neo-lithic structures for burial rites. They simply echo the designs of that time rather than try to exactly replicate them. They have little niches within them for you to place the ashes of your people and every Midsummer the sun sets through an exact space in the structure to illuminate an exquisite mobile made by a renowned artist. It creates a magical colourful space with a true sense of place and time.

No fuss funerals work really well outdoors. Here is an amazing photo of one of the Long Barrows from a distance. Copyright Sacred Stones Ltd.

Sacred Stones is the name of the business who create these uniquely beautiful spaces and they have the barrows created by local craftspeople and stonemasons. There is a natural beauty and aesthetic appeal that is timeless and evocative and is described by the creators as an ‘echo’ of memorial spaces throughout the ages. This one is in Shropshire.

No fuss, simple funerals can take place anywhere and can be small and intimate. This is outside a Long Barrow. Copyright Sacred Stones Ltd

No fuss funerals at Willow Row Long Barrow

A sister site to the Soulton Long Barrow this is an equally wonderful structure in the same form.

You can find out more about this venue here https://www.sacredstones.co.uk/our-locations/willow-row/. This one is in Cambridgeshire. Toby Angel, a co-founder is a fascinating and passionate professional. He can tell you all about the barrow and the origins and concept of their unique offering. It is so important to make sure that the people you work with serve you with a personal, compassionate service.

Shelter is important at an outdoors funeral venue, it is also important to have an inspriing space. Make sure that you have a plan B. Copyright Sacred Stones Ltd

No fuss funerals and simple burials at Westall Park Natural Burial Ground

Westall Park Natural Burial Ground

I have done many glorious outdoors funerals at Westall where they have a beautiful gazebo which is a simple wooden structure. There is great parking and vehicular access for hearses and guests and they are really flexible. If you want to have a picnic or flasks of tea to keep you warm you can. I can’t tell you how dedicated Dan and Emma are and how they welcome you and bend over backwards to make sure that you get what you need. I can’t reccomend them more heartily and I miss them a little!

No fuss funerals and simple burials at Westall Park Natural Burial Ground

Westall Park Natural Burial Ground

I have done many glorious outdoors funerals at Westall where they have a beautiful gazebo which is a simple wooden structure. There is great parking and vehicular access for hearses and guests and they are really flexible. If you want to have a picnic or flasks of tea to keep you warm you can. I can’t tell you how dedicated Dan and Emma are and how they welcome you and bend over backwards to make sure that you get what you need. I can’t reccomend them more heartily and I miss them a little!

